Pursuant to the provision of the PAREB Amended By-laws, the following rules shall govern the election of the National Officers and Directors for the Year 2010 during the 49th PAREB ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION AND ELECTIONS to be held on October 8 to 10, 2009 at the Apo View Hotel, Davao City, to wit:
“Refers to a Regular Member with a valid real estate broker’s license for 2009 and who is up to date in the payment of both his Local Board dues and paid and his PAREB Regular Membership dues for the current year as provided under Section 1c and Section 2, Article VI hereof.” (Article II, Sec. 1f)
For purposes of the Election on October ¬¬10, 2009, members in good standing are those who have paid their local Board dues, and have paid and remitted their PAREB dues not later than September 15, 2009, and possess a valid real estate broker’s license for the current year.
He/She must be physically present during the election proceedings and has
paid the corresponding registration fee for the National Convention, except those specifically exempted from paying registration fee by the National Directorate, not later than 12:00 o’clock noon on October 9, 2009.
Lifetime Regular Members are Past National Presidents of PAREB who are members in good standing of a Local Board, provided that they have a valid real estate broker’s license for the current year a copy of which shall be submitted to PAREB.
3. CONSTITUENT MEMBER BOARDS (Art. III, Sec. 1-b; Art. VI, Sec 3)
“Constituent Member Boards are the Local Boards which are duly incorporated under the corporation laws of the Philippines and whose membership with PAREB have been approved in accordance with the provisions of Article IV hereof”. For purposes of the Election on October 10, 2009, Constituent Member Boards must have paid and remitted to PAREB their membership dues not later than September 15, 2009, and have not been dropped from PAREB membership by the National Directorate and that their Registration with the SEC have not been revoked with finality.
4. New Members and reinstated members who have been circularized, accredited and approved as of September 15, 2009.
Incumbent and past presidents of Constituent Member Boards who, for purposes of the Election on October 10, 2009, are Regular Members in good standing as of September 15, 2009.
He/She must be physically present during the election proceedings and has
paid his registration fee for the National Convention not later than 5:00 o’clock p.m. on September 25, 2009.
He/She must be a member in good standing with his local Board and PAREB,
and has a valid real estate broker’s license for 2009 a copy of which shall be submitted to PAREB not later than September 25, 2009.
He/She has served not more than three (3) consecutive terms as a National Director. (Article IX Section 3)
To qualify to run for National President, he/she must have served for at
least two (2) terms as National Director, not necessarily consecutive. His/her
Region must have a total of at least 100 members in good standing.
COMELEC members are disqualified to run for election.
1.Proxies shall be used only for the sole purpose of determining the presence of a quorum.
2.A Regular Member in good standing must be physically present or present through a proxy.
3.A proxy must be a Regular Member in good standing. A maximum of five (5) proxies shall be allowed to be represented by a regular member.
4.Proxy must be in written form, either typewritten or computer printed (see attached Proxy format). It does not need to be notarized. However, notation by the Local Board President and Treasurer is required and shall be submitted to the PAREB Secretariat not later than September 25, 2009. The Secretariat shall endorse said proxies to the COMELEC.
5.Quorum shall be determined by a simple majority (50% plus one) of those Regular Members in good standing as of September 15, 2009 who are physically present and those present through proxies.
1.Election of National Directors shall be conducted among those accredited voters who are physically present during the election proceedings..
2.National Directors are in two categories: (a) those who represent the
PAREB Regions and, (b) those At-Large.
3.The Incumbent President of a Constituent Member Board or whoever he/she will assign with written authority, shall have, in addition to his/her own vote, another one (1) vote, representing the vote of the Constituent Member Board of which he/she is President (Article VIII-4), provided that the Constituent Member Board is a member in good standing as of September 15, 2009.
4.Only those who are physically present during the election proceedings are qualified to be voted upon. They must be members in good standing and have valid real estate broker’s license for the current year and have paid their registration fee for the National Convention not later than 5:00 o’clock p.m. on September 25, 2009.
1.To be elected are three (3) Regional Directors each for the four (4) Regions namely: NCR, LUZON, VISAYAS and MINDANAO and seven (7) Directors-at-Large for a total of nineteen (19) Directors. Regular Members of the Constituent Member Boards comprising their respective regions will vote for the Regional Directors, while the general membership will vote for the Directors-at-Large.
a)A nominator should be a member in good standing and when recognized by the Chairman can nominate up to a minimum of three (3) candidates for the Regional Directors in the region where he belongs and seven (7) for the Directors-at-Large.
b)If nominations of three (3) candidates for the Regional Directors have been closed and there is no objection on the floor then the candidates are declared automatically elected. Also if seven (7) Directors-at-Large of this scenario happens then the candidates are likewise declared automatically elected. There will no longer be casting of ballots.
c)If more than three (3) candidates are nominated for the Regional Directors and more than seven (7) for the Director-at-Large, casting of ballots in writing shall take place.
d)Color-coded ballots for every region will be used to avoid confusion, meaning one color for NCR, another for Luzon, etc. and WHITE for Directors-at-Large.
e)Ballots will be released thru the Local Board President or in his/her absence the next ranking officer of that Board.
f)A Local Board in good standing is entitled to one vote thru its President or in his/her absence whoever he/she will assign with a written authority.
g)Nomination and voting will be one region at a time, NCR first then
LUZON, VISAYAS and MINDANAO in that order. After all Regional Directors have been elected, then nominations for the seven (7) Directors-at-Large shall follow.
h)In the event a region fails to elect the required number of Directors allotted to it, the vacancies shall be filled up by electing additional Directors-at-Large.
i) A candidate who failed in the election of Regional Directors may
be re-nominated for Directors-at-Large. (Art. XIII Sec. 6)
j)In case of a tie, there will be re-voting.
k)A nominee may appoint one (1) watcher during the canvassing/counting of ballots, a maximum of three (3) watchers shall be allowed.
l)Any protest should be submitted within ten (10) days from the election and the COMELEC shall endeavor to resolve the issue within thirty (30) days thereof, observing due process, and whose decision shall be final.
m)As soon as the nineteen (19) Directors have been duly elected and proclaimed, they will elect among themselves:
the President (from MINDANAO Region),
Chairman of the Board(from VISAYAS Region),
Senior Vice-President (from NCR Region),
Vice-President for NCR,
Vice-President for LUZON,
Vice President for VISAYAS,
Vice President for MINDANAO,
Secretary General and National Treasurer.
Said officers will be elected one position at a time starting with the President
thru secret balloting (in writing) under the supervision of the COMELEC.
1.A Notice of General Membership Meeting and Election, Agenda, and a List of qualified candidates for Regional Directors and Directors-at-Large will be circularized by the Secretary General not later than September 10, 2009.
2.The Secretary General shall prepare the list of Regular Members in
Good Standing as of September 15, 2009.
3.All duly accomplished Proxy forms must be submitted to the Secretariat who in turn shall endorse said proxies to the COMELEC not later than September 25, 2009.
4.Election Day is on October 10, 2009.
NOTE: Election will be held if the required quorum is present, meaning 50% plus one, represented by those physically present and by proxies, of the total number of members in good standing with PAREB as of September 15, 2009. Validity of licenses is for the Year 2009.
Effectivity: Approved by the National Directorate during its Regular Directorate Meeting held on June 05, 2009 at the Quezon City Sports Center, Quezon City and takes effect as of this date.
COMELEC Chairman
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